Wednesday, April 12, 2006

We're on our way

Spent the day on the couch in a Vicodin daze.. Goes great with 7-Up.
Had the portacath installed this morning. It is a little valve under your skin, just below the collar bone, that has a catheter threaded into a vein.
It makes it easy to administer the chemo and draw blood and such without having to poke me all the time.
Right after I got out of recovery, I went to the radiation treatment center to get set up there.
I now have three tattoos - a Tasmanian devil on one hip, a rose with blood dripping from a thorn on the other and Eff Cancer written in script across the small of my back.
Actually, they are just three small dots to help them line up the machine every time I go in, which will be daily for five weeks.
I start chemo, next Wednesday.
I am feeling pretty good about getting things started.
Today's mood is: mmmmm Vicodin

This is a photo of Lucy taken with a low resolution camera in natural light.
She is starting to think that everybody goes to the doctor twice a week.


Anonymous said...

Get it going, kick this thing in the ass and get back to livin' large like Tom Graser does. Graser the Serpent has not fallen or anything, though I kicked his tail over one day. I go down and hang out with the Graser Family Serpent every day and send the best thoughts I can to you and yours.

I am still lookin' for that Jesus feller to send up there to lay his hands upon you. A la Jerrry Falwell, every early-30s Jewish-looking guy I see who resembles the painting of Jesus that still hangs behind the pulpit of Gum Creek Presbyterian Church (that Jesus looked more like one of the hippies my grandfather used to rail about) I ask, "Are you Jesus? If so, I need a favor ..." No luck yet, but I ain't givin' up.


Catnap40 said...

Thanks Dave.
If Jesus walks the earth in human form these days, I am sure he is laying low.

Matt Bradshaw said...

Well, he seems to be working his magic for the Red Sox. Whoops! There goes my one sports reference for the year.