Saturday, May 27, 2006

Comets Win!

Our first game was changed to 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. but no one told us so we didn't show up, but the team we were supposed to play didn't want to be in the tournament. So, we played at 11 and beat the Fire 2-1 and then beat the Blaze 2-0 for the championship!
Lucy got two medals and a Columbus Crew bracelet.
She also took her pants off in the game against the Fire. Same reason as before - she thought it would be funny. It was, but not Ha Ha funny, unless your name was something other than Tom or Mary Graser - then I suppose it was very Ha Ha funny. damnit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

um -- see my above comment. i don't smell a valedictorian in this...well, maybe at ohio university. (not ohio state...)