I know this makes sense somehow, but still.
About a week ago I was complaining that the site where the port was located hurt - a lot.
My oncologist determined that there were some dissolving stitches that had never dissolved that needed to be removed.
Off to the surgeon's office I went where the stitches were removed and I was told the pain was normal and would go away.
The pain remained and every time I put pressure on the port - such as when I got a radiation treatment - I got a nice big stain on my shirt (I did finally wise-up and put some gauze on the site).
Mary became concerned and called the oncologist who call the surgeon who called Mary who called me and told me to get over to his office right away.
It turns out that when they removed he undissolved stitch it left a hole that was leaking.
So .... Wait for it..... They put a stitch in me to seal the hole.
I guess I should have thought of that.
Mary reads this blog and last night asked me why I left her out.
What I left out was kind of big and effects us all, but I thought was kind of private. Most of the stuff I talk about here, is about me or Lucy (a girl who pulls her shorts down in the middle of a soccer game for a laugh has lost her privacy rights).
Anyway, Mary, a few months ago, had an operation to move a piece of bone from her hip and graft it to the bone in her upper jaw so we can have some dental implants secured (it all stems from an automobile accident in her youth).
After fighting infection after infection, the doctor has decided that the graft was not going to make it and it was removed.
Now we are back to stage one with her dental repairs. It was a really big blow. She fought the infection tenaciously, but it was just too persistent.
Tuesday she goes for an exam and we will hopefully learn more.
It should be noted that while Mary is shepherding me through my little tribulation she has been dealing with some pretty big stuff as well.
Lucy, however, has been skating, with little responsibility aside from picking up her books, making her bed and bringing in the newspaper - none of which she ever does.