Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ostomy News

Warning! Warning! Warning!
Graphic content

Many people might not bee too interested in reading this.
I finally got my own supply of ostomy products and can put the stuff the hospital gave me in the emergency only pile.
Yesterday I put my first two piece system on. It is far superior, from my point of view to the one piece system.
I can see the stoma much more clearly when I put the base plate on for one thing. With the one-piece units you had to look through the plastic bag. It was very hard to see clearly.
Also, I received some lubricant/deodorant, which makes bag draining much more tolerable.
I also got some disposable bags, which will be great for work and nights out and such.
It is amazing how much this improves my life and makes me think that life with a bag attached to my belly will be fairly tolerable.
The hospital equipment was very basic and made me feel like life would suck.

I was up and around quite a bit yesterday. At the end of the day my stomach muscles were quite stressed and painful. I took a vicodin and watched a movie with Mary.. Felt much better and slept late (7 a.m.) today.
More later.


Anonymous said...

why can i not look at the gross, slasher flicks that jason likes, or even a boxing match, but i can read this "graphic" stuff without a shudder? i'm nigh fascinated. i hope everything continues to go well...

Catnap40 said...

It will go well. There is no other way.