Wednesday, April 16, 2008

sore knee

I fell asleep on the couch waiting for the new season of “Deadliest Catch” to start. My big plan was to ride my bike during the first hour of the show. That never happened. This morning, when I got out of bed the pain in my knee was diminished considerably. I started taking ibuprofen shortly after coming in from my Couch-to-5K workout yesterday. I had trouble walking throughout the day, but it did get better towards evening. Today is supposed to be an off day from the 5K workouts but I was going to walk anyway, just to see what would happen with my knee. Instead of satisfying that curiosity and possibly making things worse, I did a dumbbell workout while watching “Sportscenter”. I am still looking for a good workout that does not require a bench. I have glommed together a bunch of exercises for a sort of routine, but I would like to have something scientific to follow. If anyone knows of a good one let me know. Hopefully the knee will continue to feel better today. I had my knees checked last fall because of things that happened during my cancer treatment and the doctor said they looked about right for someone my age, so I am thinking it is a matter of getting used to the running and the new shoes. I guess we will see.

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