Tuesday, August 09, 2005

More Vacation Shots

Just so you don't think all we do is take snaps of oursleves while on Vacation, here are some still lifes:

Mary shot this lily from a kayak just down from Chris and Babs' house on the Narrows.
I am not sure if this is the sharpest one. I need new glasses. Please click on this to appreciate the beauty.

Here is Shelly's front porch. Mary took this from her Happy Spot. Click on this one because it is almost life-size.

"Yes, Lucy, this is how the Eskimos take their kids to summer school." Click on this one to appreciate the speed.

Beg me to tow you around the lake behind a kayak. Beg me! Click on this one to appreciate the Homer on my shirt.

Yes, it takes almost 11 hours to get there. Click on this one to appreciate the pout.

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