Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Normal Care

My oncologist now considers me to be a normal care patient. That means I see him every 6 weeks for blood work.

From now on I am to call my GP for everything and then fill him in only if symptoms become persistant.

It's funny, I have spent almost a year visiting my onocologist at least once a month and it seems most of the time, once a week.

I have seen my GP once in my life. I got a finger up the butt and a colonoscopy appointment.

I aslo had dinner once with the GP at a charitable function - But that was before our doctor - patient relationship and we just sat at the same table and barely talked.

So, the big news is that I am no longer a cancer patient!

Let's hear a big Whoo HOO!


Anonymous said...

Whoo Hoo!

Unknown said...

Congratulations from Germany! And ... take care of yourself too. We are with you!

Jaime said...

Yay! Tom's a regular, "normal" patient!

Anonymous said...

Well, normal is a relative term, but whoo hoo none the less.

Mat B Nimble

Matt Bradshaw said...

Awesome, dude.

Anonymous said...

We all wish you was normal