Wednesday, December 06, 2006

famous ostomates

Humbling list of famous people with ostomies


Anonymous said...

It seems it is a white persons problem.

Catnap40 said...

celebrity? I know.

Anonymous said... DOES seem to be a whitey thing. fame plus bad intestines. back in the good old days they'd have hung you from a tree and put a diaper on ya.

Catnap40 said...

I don't want to start anything, but one problem is that black men especially don't go to the doctor. They especially don't go when it involves having a butt check. My information comes from my old buddy at the urologists office in Asheville who was constantly trying to get the men in his church to go for prostate screenings. They weren't interested mainly because of the digital rectal exam.
Also, poor people die more often and rich people get fixed.