Friday, November 30, 2007

two weeks of walking

I have been walking three miles each morning for the past 15 mornings. I still weigh in at 250 pounds. Although, I keep telling myself that I carry it well. You can read a day to day account at my newspaper blog.
I have a visit with my oncologist coming up. I think the last time I saw him was September. We should be going to every six months after this. He will be happy to hear that I am exercising and a little less happy to see that I still weigh 250 pounds. I haven't gained any weight. I got that going for me.


Jaime said...

At least you didn't gain!! :) And, surely you feel better when you exercise. Lots of good endorphins.

Maybe I need to exercise again...

Melissa said...

the exercise will kick in and you will see benefits soon enough.

but it WILL mean cutting back on the pizzas full of processed meat and cheese(see the thanksgiving eve post...) and those Circus Boy Beers. sorry. you gotta eat less, too, my friend! but you know that already...

maybe as you get more used to walking you can start to jog a little to mix up your routine...and add some resistance training. (and no, that doesn't mean learning how to say "no" to lucy, but using some weights -- that's the real benefit of a gym. weights. and the plus is that muscle burns more calories than fat, even when you're doing nothing but watching a simpsons rerun!)

i say this as a person who hates working out, but who hates NOT working out even more.

health essay over.

carry on. make it work.

Jaime said...

oooh, I love Melissa's response :) Make it work.

Catnap40 said...

Ok, I will stop eating tomorrow ... or the day after. I already do 20 sit-ups a day. But, you can only hit the snooze alarm so many times(an oldie but a goody).