Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Back from vacation

And back to work. I have some video I have to edit. We had fun and Mary and Lucy remain in New York to go to a family reunion. I am back at work.
In honor of all the talk about the Simpsons, here is the recipe for a Flaming Moe (I found this via Stumble on WikiBartender.com:
Flaming Moe


* 1 oz. Brandy
* 1/2 oz. Blackberry Liqueur
* 1 oz. Creme de Menthe
* 1 oz. Pineapple Juice
* 1 oz. Sloe Gin
* 2 tbsp. Grape Cough Syrup (Krusty Non-Narkotik Kough Syrup)


Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker. Add crushed ice and shake well. Strain into cocktail glass. Light on fire.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

welcome back! I've missed your blogs.