Thursday, December 28, 2006

Back from Christmas in New York

We took no video, shot few pictures... to big and fast moving to to sum up .... we had a great time, saw all the family, had a big fat visit from Santa and will be weeks in recovering.

New topic.
I was watching Jeopardy last night and I was wondering what I would say after the first commercial break if I were ever on that program.

I think I would either tell the story about the time my colostomy bag fell off in the airport and I got shit on my shirt and had to buy a new one.

Alex: "I understand you had an interesting experience in the Columbus Airport once."

Me: "Yes, Alex, I had just passed through security when I noticed a suspicious odor ... and I still have both shirts, hahahahahahah."

Or perhaps the story of my daughter being born on my birthday.

Alex: "I understand you daughter was born on a special day."

Me: "That's not in the form of a question Alex, but I will answer anyway. Yes, she was. But did I ever tell you about the time my colostomy bag fell off in the Columbus Airport?"

I don't know, the chemo is hooked up again and I think I am delerious.

what would you tell Alex?


Anonymous said...

I'd like to buy a vowel Alex...


Anonymous said...

my only question would be "how the hell did i get on this show?" unless it's trivia on the rolling stones, '70s sitcoms or classic episodes of oprah, i ain't gonna make it. "i'll take potpurri for $600, alex." uuugh!

Catnap40 said...

Classic Oprah is the best. I watch it all the time on the "Spent Oxygen" channel