Monday, November 06, 2006

chemo underway

My first session of chemo has been completed and I am hooked up with my old pal the Curlin Medical 4000 CMS. I have to wear this for 22 hours then get another 2 hour batch at the doctor's office and then 22 more hours on the pump. Then I take a week off from medicine before I do it all again. I have to complete the 3 day course 4 times before I have any hope of not seeing a doctor for a while.
I like doctors alright, I got nothing against them, but this is getting a little silly.


Anonymous said...

i need a full tally on how many things you weren't born with that are hanging off of you now.

Catnap40 said...

I have an ostomy bag on my belly, a porta-cath device attached to my clavicle and a needle jabbed into that connected by tube to the medicine pump.
That's it. not much for someone my age. No piercings, if that was what you were getting at.